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  • Virtual Reality
Title Rating Status
Cover of series Apocalypse Gates

No rating


Apocalypse Gates

  • Sci-Fi
  • Action
  • Adventure

Alvin woke in a room that was not his, to discover that he had died and his brain had been bargained off cheaply to pay off someone else’s debt. It did not sit well with him. It didn’t surprise him that even in death, people were still using him for their own purposes. He had never exactly been a good guy, but everyone had their breaking point, and he had found his.The bastards in charge had uploaded his mind into a virtual death game. The whole world could now pay to see him play it and probably die. Alvin questioned whether he was really a bad guy, if this is how they wanted to treat him. Regardless, he was not about to wait for death to come for him. He would kick open the damn Apocalypse Gates and see about crushing everything that challenged him. It was time to make the world aware that he was done with pretending to be nice.Welcome to Apocalypse Gates!

  • LitRPG
  • Progression
  • Virtual Reality
  • GameLit
  • Male Lead
  • Post-Apocalyptic

No rating


Cover of series Overgeared

No rating



  • Action
  • Adventure

Youngwoo Shin is a deadbeat in real life, working odd jobs to barely pay off his loans. Even his family has written him off as a hopeless video game addict. But when he logs in to the massively popular VR game Satisfy, Youngwoo becomes Grid the Warrior…who is also painfully mediocre. Everything changes when he stumbles across a tome containing the lost knowledge of a legendary blacksmith. The catch is, using it resets all his levels! In order to survive after being forced back to square one, Grid will need to hone his skills and gather reliable allies…or not! Who needs all that when you’re decked out in god-tier items?!

  • LitRPG
  • Virtual Reality
  • GameLit
  • Translated
  • Male Lead
  • Overpowered / Strong Lead

No rating


Cover of series Dominion of Blades

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Dominion of Blades

  • Fantasy
  • Action
  • Adventure

Trapped in a game, they must level up to survive!For over thirty years, Dominion of Blades has been the hottest online role-playing game in the world. Any gamer with an immersion rig can enter the world of sword and sorcery, of goblins and dragons, and they can hack and slash their way to glory. But the game is too real for some, and after an epidemic of real-life fatalities, public use of the immersion technology has been banned, causing the game to be shut down.Jonah wakes to find himself in-game, level one, with no memory of how he arrived and no way to eject. With only two companions, trapped in a world that once hosted millions, Jonah must battle his way across a treacherous landscape, fighting virtual monsters, all-too-real pain, and a very human enemy in a desperate bid to survive.

  • LitRPG
  • High Fantasy
  • Progression
  • Virtual Reality
  • GameLit
  • Male Lead
  • Portal / Isekai

No rating


Cover of series Transformation

No rating



  • Fantasy
  • Sci-Fi
  • Adventure
  • Contemporary

The familiar world collapsed overnight. As the Transformation progressed, disasters occurred throughout the Earth. Materials changed their properties, new species of flora and fauna appeared. The Game converted our world into a huge dungeon, completely replacing the previous civilization.However, the alien plans for Earth began to go awry from the very beginning. The conversion was less successful than expected. An ordinary young man stole the bonus for the first gaming action, depriving the invaders of their perk.How can he manage the situation? Which of the aliens will become his ally? Which ones are his enemy? Dare they rebel against the all-powerful invaders, regain their land and even create a new world?

  • LitRPG
  • Cyberpunk
  • Virtual Reality
  • Strategy
  • Supernatural
  • Magic
  • Overpowered / Strong Lead

No rating


Cover of series Reality Benders

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Reality Benders

  • Sci-Fi
  • Action
  • Adventure

At long last, an extraterrestrial civilization reached out and made the First Contact. However, no one on Earth took their communique for the genuine article. In a similar vein, very few people appreciated just how little time our new suzerains had promised to keep our planet safe.Regardless, the end of their message showed humankind how to access a mysterious game. The objective of this game is unclear. No one can say where its servers are located, and its inner workings are beyond comprehension.But the game slowly gained momentum, pulling in more and more players. Soon enough, it became impossible to ignore the fact that things that happened in the game had a direct impact on our reality. And not only ours...But as people figure out this mysterious game, the countdown timer ticks away. And no one can say exactly what will happen when Earth’s safety is no longer guaranteed.

  • LitRPG
  • Progression
  • Virtual Reality
  • GameLit
  • Male Lead

No rating


Cover of series Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

No rating


Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

  • Action
  • Adventure

Starting over once more, he has entered this “living game” again in order to control his own fate.This time, he will not be controlled by others.Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life.Methods to earn money! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Equipment drop locations! Undiscovered battle techniques!Even the secrets Beta Testers were unknowledgeable of, he knows of them all.Massive wars, life advancement, entering Godhood, sword reaching to the peak; a legend of a man becoming a Sword God has begun.

  • Progression
  • Cultivation
  • Wuxia
  • Xianxia
  • Virtual Reality
  • Martial Arts
  • Translated
  • Male Lead
  • Overpowered / Strong Lead
  • Regression

No rating


Cover of series Emerilia



  • Fantasy
  • Sci-Fi
  • Adventure

As he looked at life...

...surrounded by the trappings of success...

Austin wondered, is there anything else?

He made it to the top. As CEO of an asteroid mining company, Austin has accomplished everything he ever wanted in business. Now, he needs more. To get away he turns to a fantasy video game.

Is virtual reality the answer?

Should he pick, elf, gnome, caster, or swordsman?

He just wants peace and quiet, play as a dwarf, build a house, do some smithing and character building. His idea of the perfect fantasy game. Then he learns their secret.

Deceit hides in the shadows.

And the truth is all around.

Austin will need to level up.

If he gets caught, it means death. He’ll need help along the way. How can he convince anyone they’re slaves in a bigger game and stay under the radar? If Earth was a simulation and the game was real...

Who can he trust?

  • LitRPG
  • Virtual Reality
  • Magic
  • Male Lead
  • Non-Human Lead


Cover of series Eden's Gate

No rating


Eden's Gate

  • Fantasy
  • Action
  • Adventure

When Gunnar Long is transported into the first fully-immersive virtual MMORPG, he finds himself in a new world filled with magic, mystery and adventure.No more 9-to-5 job. No more studio apartment. No more reality TV.Finally, he's in a place where he can call home, a place with people he can call friends.But as more people want to trade their real world lives to get inside Eden's Gate, the government of the outside world wants the "game" shut down at all costs.Gunnar must learn to survive, grow in power and find a way to send a message back to his old home."We're fine. We're alive. Eden's Gate is real."

  • LitRPG
  • Progression
  • Virtual Reality
  • GameLit
  • Magic
  • Male Lead
  • Portal / Isekai

No rating


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