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Cover of series Axiom of Infinity: Souleater

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Axiom of Infinity: Souleater

  • Fantasy
  • Romance

"They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. What then are we to think of it when the gods themselves steal our ideas on how the universe should work? Can we complain when they turn reality into a game? Can we get a refund on life itself? The gods claim they answered our prayers. That they built this world with us in mind. That they brought us here for our own sake. Maybe they did. Personally I think they have their own reasons. We're not the players in this game, we're the pieces on the board.

Still... What if it's fun?"

Axiom of Infinity follows the story of several travelers from Earth as they attempt to make new lives for themselves in a world with monsters and dungeons, where RPG mechanics are as innate as the laws of physics, and where the gods themselves seem to be playing a very different game–one with unknown stakes and strange alliances. Blessed by two gods and cursed by another, one man finds himself at the center of their machinations, a pawn destined to become a queen.

This is a LitRPG Novel built on a hard system with a lot of depth and customization, but which tries not to beat you over the head with numbers constantly. In this world finding and reporting bugs and exploits is both encouraged and rewarded, and the gods have found the most qualified testers in the multiverse: Us. Now the unsuspecting natives of Astra are going to have to learn to live with a bunch of min-maxing, power-gaming, spreadsheet slinging nerds and gamers of all shapes and sizes as we do what we do best... break things.

  • LitRPG
  • High Fantasy
  • Progression
  • GameLit
  • Reincarnation
  • Secret Identity
  • LGBT+
  • System
  • Multiverse
  • Mature
  • Magic
  • Male Lead
  • Portal / Isekai
  • Female Lead
  • Non-Human Lead
  • Multiple Leads
  • Mythos
  • Non-Binary Lead

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Cover of series Project Tartarus

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Project Tartarus

  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Tragedy

Tartarus is a dangerous place, every child knows that. But when a new soul finds his way there with no memories and no name, he gets to learn the harsh truth firsthand. Who is he? Why is he there? Why are entities beyond his understanding taking a personal interest in him? And why does everyone have a level? He doesn't know, but he's going to find out, even if it kills him.

Heavily inspired by Greek Mythology, Project Tartarus is a gripping tale of LitRPG fantasy and adventure. Featuring a found-family cast of characters who work to forge a shining light of hope in a cruel, dark world. This Sword & Sorcery story has elements of horror, romance, and striking imagery, but is also a story of courage and fighting for one's friends against all odds.

A list of some content/themes that may be upsetting for some readers can be found at the author's website here: https: //www.erebusesprit.com/project-tartarus.html

  • LitRPG
  • High Fantasy
  • Progression
  • System
  • Mature
  • Settlement Building
  • Magic
  • Male Lead
  • Portal / Isekai
  • Mythos

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