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Judicator Jane

  • Fantasy

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Moments ago, Jane's biggest worries were unpaid bills and finding a job. Now, she must use all her cunning, along with her new, mysterious powers, to survive the desolate and scorching sands.

No food. No water. No answers.

Jane's battle for survival in this unfamiliar land has just begun...

Hunted by the savage beasts of the desert, it's only a matter of time before Jane either adapts to the world around her or ends up as another skeleton rotting in the blistering sun. But what chance does a modern woman have in the endless dunes, dressed only in her pajamas?

About the series: Judicator Jane is an isekai (portal fantasy) LitRPG set in an expansive universe rich with history. The forces of good and evil stand at the precipice of apocalypse. Will Jane find the answers she seeks? Or will the unforgiving world, harsh trials, and the burden of carrying a horrific power corrupt her innocent spirit?

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Brian Rouleau

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