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Dan Immke

Lesser Known

18 Series
0 Favorites

My ranking of titles I’ve read that aren’t super widely known.

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  • Cover of series 12 Miles Below
  • Cover of series The Stargazer's War
  • Cover of series Millennial Mage
  • Cover of series Jackal Among Snakes
  • Cover of series Heaven Fall
  • Cover of series The Infinite World
  • Cover of series Keiran: The Eternal Mage
  • Cover of series Street Cultivation
  • Cover of series Apocalypse Parenting
  • Cover of series A Dream of Wings and Flame
  • Cover of series Shadowcroft Academy For Dungeons
  • Cover of series  The Game at Carousel
  • Cover of series Qi=MC^2
  • Cover of series A Practical Guide to Sorcery
  • Cover of series Titan Hoppers
  • Cover of series Quest Academy
  • Cover of series Tower Climber
  • Cover of series The Undying Magician

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