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  • Fantasy
Title Rating Status
Cover of series Silver Fox & The Western Hero

No rating


Silver Fox & The Western Hero

  • Fantasy
  • Action
  • Adventure

Cheating Death

Alex was willing to do whatever it took to beat the tumors overwhelming his body.Even if it meant being frozen alive.And if his cortex got uploaded into a digital universe filled with countless worlds to explore until a cure could be found for his cancer, all the better.The last thing he expected was to wake up naked and alone in the bowels of an ancient ship filled with raiders carrying enough poison to kill an entire city!The choices he makes from that moment on will have profound consequences not only for his own fate, but for an entire realm as he faces down bloodthirsty pirates, ruthless cultivators, and fearsome demigods while taking his first steps along a path of power that might one day forge him into a cultivator strong enough to challenge the very heavens themselves!

  • LitRPG
  • High Fantasy
  • Wuxia
  • Xianxia
  • GameLit
  • Reincarnation
  • Male Lead
  • Portal / Isekai

No rating


Cover of series Tower of Somnus


Tower of Somnus

  • Fantasy
  • Sci-Fi

The Galactic Consensus arrived on ships as large as skyscrapers, crafted from glittering alloys that no human scientist could even begin to understand. They followed the trail of century old television transmissions to welcome us into the galactic community… only to recoil in horror at what they found.

They concluded that humans were unfit to be trusted with the advanced technologies that member-states of the Consensus freely traded with each other, installing a relay to warn other ships that we were under embargo, but more importantly, allowing humans entrance into the Tower of Somnus, a multiplayer game of sorts that could be played in one’s sleep. The hope was that humanity would learn proper behavior from playing the game with our more civilized neighbors.

Katherine ‘Kat’ Debs, a hereditary employee of one of the megacorporations that ruled the world, eked out a meager existence in a massive arcology of glittering glass and chrome. She dreamt of one day earning enough money to buy her freedom, and was more than willing to break a law here or there in the process. When she is offered an opportunity to enter the Tower of Somnus free of corporate control, she jumps at the chance. After all, the 'game' was more than just a status symbol, players retained the fantastic powers they earned in the game in the waking world as well.

A perfect opportunity to take control of her destiny, or die trying.

  • LitRPG
  • Progression
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Cyberpunk
  • Aliens
  • First Contact
  • Virtual Reality
  • Dungeon
  • Dystopia
  • GameLit
  • System
  • Underdog
  • Tower Climb
  • Female Lead
  • Post-Apocalyptic


Cover of series Small Medium

No rating


Small Medium

  • Fantasy
  • Action
  • Adventure

Chase Berrymore dreams of adventure, excitement, and getting the heck out of her pastoral halven village. But when adventure finds her, she'll be scrambling to save her family and friends from a necromancer's wrath. Outmatched in almost every way, she'll have to use her wits, charisma, and a bit of divine favor to figure out the path to victory.Even worse, she'll have to figure out ways to deal with the weird and nigh-immortal beings that call themselves "playas..." And she'll have to do it with the most powerful weapon she has available: words.Violence is not her forte, but cunning, deception, and careful negotiation with unstable and self-centered sociopaths might just win the day, and save herself and her family from this horrible situation which she is absolutely not to blame for in the slightest.

  • High Fantasy
  • Underdog
  • Male Lead
  • Female Lead
  • Multiple Leads

No rating


Cover of series Shadeslinger



  • Fantasy

Corporate flameout Ned Altimer dreams of leaving his world behind. So, when Earthblood Online splashes onto the VRMMO scene, he dives in and never looks back.

His advantages are twofold: exclusive access to the game’s three-day Head Start period, and a ridiculously handsome talking axe named Frank who has knowledge of the game’s deepest secrets...if the magnificent Frank ever feels like sharing them.

But those advantages also make Ned a target. Once the Head Start period ends, his fellow players will stop at nothing to rip that suave, violent, yet disarmingly charismatic axe right out of his hands.

In 72 hours, the greatest manhunt in gaming history is set to begin.

It’s gonna be a lot of fun.

  • LitRPG
  • Progression
  • Virtual Reality
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • GameLit
  • Settlement Building
  • Male Lead


Cover of series In the System

No rating


In the System

  • Fantasy
  • Action
  • Adventure

Ivan Susanin, a typical guy and unemployed techie, is initiated by the System and transported, together with a thousand other players, to an unknown location beyond Earth. Ivan has an interface, a spear, and basic weapon skills. All he has to do to return to Earth is complete a simple quest and reach the second level.But experience points are only awarded for kills in this game, and the clock is ticking. Whoever doesn’t score within 24 hours will remain in the location forever.The game takes places in the ruins of a massive city, where the undead lurk in the central districts and the outskirts are raided by the descendants of past owners. The undead are strong, while the goblins rarely move around alone and aren’t worth much XP. The most valuable prey under these conditions are formal allies, i.e. the other players. If a player is capable of killing a fellow human, of course. Even if they aren’t planning to go against their own nature by murdering innocents, who said that they will have a choice? It’s kill or be killed!Those who complete the quest will be returned to Earth, where they can rest and prepare for the next attempt. Beyond the local objective is also a global one. In the center of the city stands a temple to a fallen god, and until one of the players captures the Altar, the mission will be repeated again and again. But when all you’re holding is a spear, your allies can’t be trusted, and resurrection is nearly impossible, this isn’t much more than a delayed death sentence…For the first seven players, who become the Earth Gods, this mission is a chance to rapidly gain power and take charge of a united Pantheon. A chance to escape death and protect our world from invasion. Although there is only one altar and the Gods make others do their work.Ivan must make a choice and decide whose pawn he will become. Or should he take a risk, refuse their patronage and keep his options open?

  • LitRPG
  • Progression
  • GameLit
  • System
  • Male Lead
  • Portal / Isekai

No rating


Cover of series Alpha Physics!

No rating


Alpha Physics!

  • Fantasy
  • Action
  • Adventure

In the apocalypse, the first weapon he’ll have to upgrade is himself.

The end of the world as we know it couldn’t come at a worse time for Adrian.

One minute, he’s an operations manager who’s overseeing a construction job in the wilderness. The next, an unknown energy force changes the very nature of life itself, from the smallest organism to the top of the food chain. The earth’s surviving inhabitants, its environment, and the very laws of physics have all undergone fundamental transformations.

Many of those changes aren’t pretty. Plenty of them are deadly.

Luckily for Earth, this has happened to other species before, and everyone receives an interface that survivors of similar events have used to navigate through an alien landscape.

Adrian’s going to need every advantage he can get. He’s stranded in the middle of nowhere, there are days, maybe weeks of travel between him and his family, and in a world full of monsters and mayhem, survival means beating the learning curve…

  • LitRPG
  • High Fantasy
  • Progression
  • GameLit
  • Supernatural
  • Magic
  • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Overpowered / Strong Lead

No rating


Cover of series Hyperion Evergrowing

No rating


Hyperion Evergrowing

  • Fantasy
  • Sci-Fi
  • Action
  • Adventure

Leif Vin is mortally wounded and left for dead at the conclusion of a devastating battle.

The squad he commanded have either fallen or abandoned the fight and all around are the cries and wails of the dying.

With both armies all but wiped out vultures and parasites stalk the aftermath, one such creature finds Leif as the last of his lifeblood stains the muddy ground.

Implanted with the essence of a carnivorous and corrupting tree, Leif loses his levels, memory and humanity.

Reborn as a sapling in the newly formed wilderness that sprung up among the fallen, Leif must piece back together the fragmented shards of his soul and identity.

But before that he must do what all trees must.

Put down roots, stay still and grow. 

  • LitRPG
  • High Fantasy
  • Progression
  • Soft Sci-fi
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Martial Arts
  • Reincarnation
  • Magic
  • Male Lead
  • War / Military
  • Non-Human Lead
  • Ruling Class
  • Overpowered / Strong Lead

No rating


Cover of series Threadbare

No rating



  • Fantasy
  • Comedy
  • Adventure

Meet Threadbare. He is twelve inches tall, full of fluff, and really, really bad at being a hero. Magically animated and discarded by his maker as a failed experiment, he is saved by a little girl. But she's got problems of her own, and he might not be able to help her. Fortunately for the little golem, he's quick to find allies, learn skills, gain levels, and survive horrible predicaments. Which is good, because his creator has a whole lot of enemies...

  • LitRPG
  • Magic
  • Male Lead
  • Non-Human Lead

No rating


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